Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Apples or Oranges?

Theology is the study of God. Hermenutics is a branch of the study of theology. For our purposes we’ll call Hermenutics the study of the interpretation of the Bible. Within this study of Hermenutics there are several principles one such principle of The Principle of First Mention suggests that the context in which a subject is first mentioned in the Bible sets forth God’s truth regarding that subject.

For example, the first mention of dance in the Bible is at the crossing of the Red Sea in Exodus chapter 15. Miriam, the sister of Aaron, is said to have led the women in dances in praise to God for His miraculous deliverance from the Egyptians. Therefore, dance in its first mention in the scriptures is connected to praise and worship. Regardless of future mentions for example in the story of Salome and the beheading of John the Baptist, its first mention establishes that dance in its original purpose is praise.

In keeping with this Principle of First mention, it is exciting to see that we first meet God in Genesis 1:3 as Elohim, the Creator. He is speaking light into darkness and His breath quickens dust to life. He is the God who speaks what is not into existence. This is His nature—His character. If so, then we being made in His image, are also able to speak words that can frame our world. We are instructed in Proverbs, the Book of Wisdom that:

Death and life [are] in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Proverbs 18:21

What fruit are you experiencing in your life? It is a result of the words you are speaking. Don’t worry if apples are not your preference and you’d rather have oranges…its all up to you. The words of your mouth can produce the fruit of your choice. Take some time to consider your words today.

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