Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Strengthening Our Arms

In Proverbs 31, a very wise mother, speaking to her son a king, describes in detail a virtuous woman. In reading and studying this passage over many years, one phrase that I always found interesting is that King Lemuel’s mother takes the time to say in verse 17 that the this ideal woman “strengtheneth her arms”.

Although a case can be made for the need to exercise, especially in our country of epidemic obesity, I’m not sure that this royal mother was taking the time to impress upon her son, perhaps in the process of choosing a Queen, that the woman he chooses should be one who exercises. And although I’m not quite sure what the Queen mother was saying I’d like to give you my perspective on strengthening our arms.

Our arms are the part of us that can reach beyond where we are standing and accomplish the intentions that are birthed in our hearts. Without arms, nothing could be accomplished outside of the circumference of our body. In other words, we’d have no ability to affect anything beyond our immediate proximity. We are cut off. When we strengthen our arms, we give added power to our appendages to perform with greater ease. Providing not only extension but also increasing our ability to accomplish our purpose within that reach.

Women, we have powerful arms that reach far beyond us. They are our children. Our words, our Godly examples, our prayers, and our love strengthen them. Acts as simple as checking homework, attending school conferences or being a cheerleader at a basketball game. Just like the Queen mother, who’s son became a powerful voice in the inspired Word of God, as our children extend beyond our time, they affect the world in ways and in times that we may not see. But as they go forward slaying dragons, building empires and taking the world by storm, like Lemuel they’ll remember a mother who didn’t forget to strengthen her arms

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