Saturday, June 5, 2010

Chronicles of a Queen - Chapter 1

The following is the personal chronicle of my journey. Included are musings, epiphanies, and encounters. Included are mistakes and shortcomings, strengths and triumphs. My life-blood is on these pages. Not that I presume that my journey has been so significant that it deserves public consideration. The significance is that despite the facts of the journey, all of the horrors and the shame—it was Truth (not facts) that set me free.

Religious people assault you with facts—God confronts you with Truth. They will not get the reasons why I would want to expose myself. That’s ok. There is a silent sisterhood that will. Women who are secretly thinking that because of some past hurt or hurdle they are disqualified. It’s a lie. Whatever your mistakes or shortcomings, no matter how many times you’ve blown it, you are still the apple of God’s eye and His favored daughter—His baby girl. There is still a queen within waiting to come out of the shadows…From Mordicai’s house, from Nabal’s estate, wating to come into her queendom.

I publish these very personal events in my life for one reason. Because God will get the glory. If He delivered me, calls me His own, cherishs me as a beloved Queen, He longs to do the same for you.

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